Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I want to give blood not have it taken from me
By Mikel K

I just want to enjoy the day; I don't want to be plagued by guilt over things that I think that I should have done, that I didn't do. I don't want to be plagued over things that I did. I don't want to be bugged by collection agencies, either. They get your new phone number from your Doctor's office, when you give the Doctor your new address, and whoever owns the Doctor sells your address to the collection agency, who types your number into a computer that rings your number all day. I either hit busy, and blow them off, or I pick up the phone and tell them that I am not me, that he is in rehab for a really bad drug problem, and would you pray for he/me? That usually gets rid of them. They probably don't pray for you. They are trying to make money, not waste time. Can't let The Lord get in the way of a buck.

I signed up on the internet to give blood, today, at 2:45 p.m., and
when I first looked at my clock, upon rising, today, it was 1:45 p.m.
I hate rushing around. I really hate rushing around; so I said to myself, "I am not going to kill myself getting dressed, getting on the bike, getting on the bus, getting on the train to get to the blood place, late, anyway."

So I called them, and the lady who answered the phone was nice as hell. She said that it didn't matter that I was missing the appointment, that I could come down anytime until 7 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and give blood.

If the lady had been mean, if she would have been a bitch, I probably would have never come down and given blood. I mean who wants to give blood? It seems like such a scary thing, if you have never done it; and I have never done it.

I decided, last week, that I should do it. Someone was nice to me, in a way that I couldn't reciprocate to them, or to anyone else, at that time, or now, for that matter. I was just about out of food, at the house, and this person bought one of those grocery store gift cards for me. This was a nice as hell thing for them to do. I don't know what I would have done, if they had not done this; gone and stood in line with the homeless at the soup line, I guess.

I felt kind of powerless, although I have learned that it is a really good idea to accept help when you need it. I felt that since I was kind of down and out, since I hadn't been able to find a job, and I had just about run through my savings that there wasn't anything that I could do for anyone else. But, there is always something that you can do for someone else, if you try. There is always something that you can do for someone else, if you really want to.

I put the word Volunteer in Google, next to my hometown, and all kinds of possibilities opened up. I called this Catholic Church and left a message asking them if they really fed the homeless on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I was surprised as hell, that the Catholic Church let all those grimy homeless people into its confines. I was real surprised. Some guy called back, kind of a gruff fellow and he said, "Yes, we do feed them on Tuesdays and Thursday, at 12:30 p.m., and if you are calling to help, you need to be here at 9:30 p.m."

The guy didn't sound like the kind of guy that I would either want to help, or work with. He sounded like a self-righteous bastard. I could see him pouring soup for the poor ole homeless and telling then that they were going to Hell for not being Catholic. He sounded like the kind of guy who could serve up
a large sized portion of Catholic guilt with the "free" meal that he was giving away. Some teacher at my high school used to say, over and over, that, "There weren't no free lunches."

And you know what. He was right.

Yes we are hanging out separately together.

A friend of mine gave me five pounds of espresso beans, the other day, and I was ecstatic. I was down to nineteen dollars in cash as all the money that I had on this earth, and certainly did not want to spend some of it on coffee beans, though, at this point in time, I did not see how I
could start a day off without grinding some beans.

I suddenly had so many beans, that I wanted to share. I asked my primary Yoga instructor if she drank coffee, and she shook her head emphatically, "No." I asked one of the Senior Yoga instructors and she said, "No."

I asked her why, and she said, that "It didn't make any sense to her to drink something that made her all jittery and nervous." This made a great deal of sense to me, and I tried to think if I was inducing something into my system that made me feel jittery and nervous.

I have cut way back on coffee. In the a.m. I have only one cup of coffee, and I usually only drink about three quarters of it. For the most part, this one cup of morning coffee is decaf or half caf. I don't think that coffee ever made me jittery and nervous, but it sure contributed to anger issues; anger issues that I might add, Yoga, has been very, very helpful in taking away.

My daughter and I are hanging out tonight. We are hanging out separately,
but together, her on one computer, me on another. Sometimes, we have instant messaged each other from different rooms in the same house. Some times we have instant messaged each other from separate desks in the same room. We are both internet addicts.

"The children were lined up in the cafeteria of a Catholic elementary school for lunch. At the head of the table was a large pile of apples. The nun made a note, and posted on the apple tray
Take only ONE. God is watching.
Moving further along the lunch line, at the other end of the table was a large pile of chocolate chip cookies.
A child had written a note, Take all you want.
God is watching the apples"

Things don't always turn out like, "Leave it to Beaver." If the Catholic Church is correct, I am going to Hell; I am going to the deepest, darkest, dankest part of Catholic heaven.

I'm not sure what the theme of this book is. I don't know if this book will have any coherency.I'm listening to my new Tori Amos c.d. Tori didn't make a dime off of my acquisition of her c.d.Tori is really hot. I like the way that she plays piano in public; it is as if she is making love to the piano.

I turned on the tv, tonight, and some old asshole was telling some worn out younger broad how you could buy tax foreclosed houses that were worth more than a hundred thousand dollars for three hundred bucks. I turned the tv off.
Scout has me watching The Discovery Channel a bit, now, instead of CNN all the time, the few times that the tv is turned on in this abode. I like the idea of finding solutions much better than the idea of selling soap by broadcasting the shit of the world into people's homes. There is good news out there, you just don't much find it in tv news.

It is almost Christmas, and some people, in this neighborhood, still have pumpkins on their porch. Maybe they are shooting heroin, inside those abodes, and have forgotten about the change of holidays. I wonder what went on inside those homes on Thanksgiving?